Wednesday, 6 August 2014


I am Maj...and I am Mee...a guy who is soft-spoken with with taut skin,light-chocolate and even complexion,dreamy eyes,perfectly shaped nose,angelina jolie-esque shaped pouty lips,high cheek bones and sultry looks...I shouldn't be complaining right?

*scoffs* I wish.

Another round of laughter crackled derisively in the sitting room downstairs,obviously the kind of laughter that tells you it is mocking someone. Loud and irritating tidal wave of giggles sweeping forth towards me,tsunami-like from the sitting room downstairs and distracting me so much I couldn't hear myself think,I just couldn't take it no more,I was busy in my room doing some research online on my laptop and also typing an episode of kuwda while Hamz and his gang of friends were busy in the sitting room trading girlfriend and sex stories of bitches they had used and dumped as I shook my head in pity,wondering that in a not too distant years back,they were just babies.

Just as I was about settling back to work again after deciding to give them a last chance,another laughter erupted as Hamz and his friends were mimicking the pleasure-moans one of their babes made in bed,I stamped my fist angrily on the table and opened my door to my room,going downstairs to demand they quieten heard right...demand.

I walked along the corridor,bare-footed with a thumping footfall and standing by the stair railing,I called out Hamz and told him to tell his friends to quieten down or go chat outside as they were disturbing the peace of the house, he looked at me, a little puzzled,frowned his face and told me straight off to find some ear muffs and block my ears with if I felt disturbed with their chatter.

OH MY GOD! Did I hear right? Hamz had the nerve to address me so? in the presence of his friends? I felt flushed with embarrassment and it made me so weak,if it weren't for my grip on the stair railings,I would have tumbled over and broke my neck.

As I stood there,totally transfixed in utter shock,his friends giggled and hinted at me being soft and a bitch! Oh lord! Today wasn't starting well I thought

"Excuse me you...what did you just call me?" I asked,coming down the stairs,the guy...Kamal stood up,straightening his oversized cardigan as though he is prepared "to treat my fuckup" today

"You heard right bitch...bitch" he fired back,my brows arched with incredulity,I pushed him on his chest demanding to know what he would do to me now,he snickered and warned me to back off,telling Hamz to warn me to back off,that got me incensed,I lost it and gave Kamal a deafening slap,things happened so quickly as we locked arms,engaged in a tussle while Hamz and his other friends tried to separate us...I've never felt so humiliated in a long time the way I was that day. I retreated and demanded he get the hell out of our house but he said he wouldn't as it was also Hamz's house and only Hamz can send him out,I was livid with rage,Hamz chided me angrily,telling me off and asked me to quit embarrassing him by being such a drama queen

 "WHAT? HAMZA..YOU CALL ME A DRAMA QUEEN?" I roared, he eyeballed me like he wished I could just turn to ash at that moment,shrugging his shoulders indignantly at me, he told me he was sick of me and my behaviour,

"YOU'RE BEING SUCH A QUEENY...DAMN YOU EVEN LOOK PRETTY, YOU'RE JUST EMBARRASSING ME" he rasped,the sting of his words brought tears to my eyes ashis friends laughed, I went out of the house and called Garuba,our gateman,he came running towards me,sensing the urgency in my tone and facial expression as I gestured for him to hurry,when he got close to me,I commanded him to bundle Kamal out of my house,since he has a macho build,he looked at me as he moved towards Kamal,wondering what was wrong,Hamz's friends all came to meet me,holding my hands and trying to placate me,telling me am a chairman and shouldn't condescend to their level,I started ranting and acting like all their pleas were falling on deaf ears as I felt like I needed to rescue my tattered reputation before them,acting all enraged and ready to fight,everyone started begging me but Kamal kept mouthing off at me, Garuba wagging his fingers threatenly at Kamal,warned him to either zip his mouth or he would beat him blue and black before throwing him out,gradually,they all piped low,Hamz later urged his friends to move out and they went to sit at the green space by the garden.

QT came home not long after the debacle and Hamz called him aside and told him everything that had happened,rather than he to chastise him,he simply giggled and walked off into his room. Gosh!

I went upstairs and thinking about my whole life,I allowed myself cry for the first time in all these years,bemoaning my fate and why God would create me "soft", some people even refer to me as being beautiful rather than being called handsome,some say am not man enough,whatever that means...and oh don't even get me started on the issues it raised with my sexuality before I doused concerns with me stepping out with my girlfriends plus the inevitable breaking up and moving on with another,it has been quite tough but I have never ever allow anyone see me hurt,so people thought I wasn't bothered and probably loved me the way I am and hey...I sure do love myself because I've tried hating myself and trust me,it didn't do me or anyone around me any good.

Later in the evening,just after sunset,I decided to take a stroll around my neighborhood,mom had arrived from work and I told her everything that had happened and how I felt insulted and humiliated with Hamz's behaviour and his indifference towards his friends' attitude towards me,mom listened patiently as I wiped off a tear from my eye,I stood up and walked off as mom called me back to calm me down but I didn't budge.

Walking along in the quiet surrounding in my neighborhood and as sounds of generators from different compounds buzz off due to lack of power supply,I inserted my hands free on my phone and got lost in my thoughts, listening to a collection of blues on my playlist and songs by ariana grande,I must have walked on for almost twenty minutes when it occurred to me that my brothers could be ransacking my wardrobe...they do this after we have a clash about my personality and trying to find some sort of evidence linking my attitude to some sort of cult group I must have joined...

Actually,they only did this once but I've never trusted them again with my wardrobe after that incident. I promptly took off my hands free and turned off the music player on my phone and hurried home. I walked in with a confident gait,head held high,ready to take on anything but instead met mom having a heart to heart with QT and Hamz...Karl is a sweetheart but he was sitting by them,I just couldn't believe Hamz's attitude towards me lately,we were a lot closer to each other than to QT, that is before Karl came along and even when Karl came into our lives,we made his settling down here a lot easier together as QT is more of the withdrawn and quiet type,my eyes went glassy with tears,it hurt so much that brother would think less of me and not try to defend me...the feeling of hurt was pure and unmitigated. Mom called me and tapped the seat beside her for me to seat,she held my head towards her shoulders and begged me to forgive my the type never to allow anyone see me hurt but at this moment,it proved too much to take in,more so as all I had been through,bullies in high school,strangers everyday till date,etcetera because of my mannerism and subtle effeminate gestures flashed through my eyes, Hamz and QT apologised to me and they all pulled me in for a hug,I smiled wryly and told them I was fine,we had dinner and as I retired to my bed,a light knock sounded on the door and too tired to answer,I waited till the person entered and it was Hamz,he came to apologise to me again,telling me how he knew he's been a jerk lately and also that all he said,he didn't mean it and regretted not standing up for me against his friends and this he couldn't take back,he apologised profusely,Karl who sat up behind me on the bed,hugged me from behind and begged me to forgive and forget the whole episode

"If your siblings don't push you to the end of your tether...who will?" He said with a grin,I smiled and told him am cool,he and Karl tried to get me to laugh by tickling me and. Hamz snuggled beside me,all three of us Karl,Hamz and I on the bed and before long,we were all in la la dreamland.

So do I forgive my brothers,yes,I truly do,in all honesty,this is just a drop in the ocean comparing to the number of times they stood up for me,fought my battles and proved they truly love me,so I can handle this little indiscretion...afterall,they are my brothers right?

This is MEE...and I am MAJ



  1. Hanmz is being so rude and carefree this past weeks,I think he's mixing with baf company,pele maj dear,trust me,many men would kill to have your looks

  2. Bad..I meant to say

  3. Mtseeeeew! Maj is very funny though,so you're still getting worked up over this?it's simple,hit the gym,beef up your body and with that suave looks of yours,women would be wetting for ya *winks*

  4. Awww that was so touching and mind blowing almost cried from this post tho. I know that feeling when someone feel humiliated. Glad you okay and u good. But if it was me o ain't that good in forgiving easily like that. Okay bye, but that is not my business tho

    1. Lol,I know right @jamal

    2. Jamal can lie for africa,yoy almost cried ke?you this omo eko,under bridge,hardened nigga dey cry,lol,now am crying

    3. Hehehe,you're funny anon

  5. Wow..touching but yet so amazing

  6. Gay thingz,lol

    1. Mtseeeeeew,dumb fellow. Moving on?

  7. I don't think you should feel bad,trust me,it could have been worse,you could have been ugly,effeminate,fat and forever single..what would you have done? And girls love bad boys and also pretty boys,it is the "straightest" thing to being a lesbian and girls love that,go break some hearts sweetheart

  8. See maj,I don't want you to sound ungrateful,forgive hamz and his friends,clearly they are babies trying to sow their wild oats,you are clearly a beautiful person,in and out? Why do you want to blend in when you are clearly standing out perfectly? Give. Thanks

  9. I know the feeling...when being effeminate in today's world is worse than being. Disabled,whew! Hold on dear,one more day

  10. Taut skin,pouty lips,even skin tone...etc,and you do nothing to retain this look? All natural?

    1. Some people are natural beauties,just like some people crave to have beards and they don't and someone who doesn't like It has it in abundance

  11. Why should you even bother about what people think? Abeg buy kunnu and drink,you cannot come and kill yourself, you pretty,you pretty noniyen

    1. LMAO! Perfect answer,don't i just love you and your yoruba english,lol,abeg! You queeny,you queeny noniyen,you homo noniyen,life's short,judge no one,you don't know their story

  12. Get used to side alks and whispers,you're getting famous you know and people would talk,youjust gats develop a titanium skin

  13. You're cute and soon,being effeminate would be the new cool and guys would wish they can cha like you

  14. Ok nice piece but don't believe the words of these commenters,you need o shake off your attitude and be a man,your atitude of the devil #beingfrankandhonest

    1. You're an idiot and you should be the one to shake off your hypocrisy,God has a sense of humour you know,he could just give you a beautiful beautiful son,what would you do now? "Shake off your attitude son?"

    2. Perfect response,nonsense!

  15. You should be lucky,you have God fighting your battles,your brothers defending you and your fans,amazeballs attacking your critics,aren't you quite the diva? :)

  16. Emotional piece,I sighed and sighed

  17. You're maj and you are you,no counterfeit,just be you

  18. I pray hamz changes,he's getting way out of hand

  19. Nice piece,I love how you delievered the story.

  20. I loved the ending,at the end,forgiveness is all that matters,for our own inner peace

  21. All these. Wouldn't have happened if maj "requested" rather than "demanded"

  22. Am loving the adagiri brothers! Yay!

  23. Wow! Nice piece,I love the fact that your family is quite fancy,yet basic,relatable family,I would turn my nose in sneer if all the brothers were macho guy
    An amazeball from utah usa

  24. I see a lot of effeminae guys here in south africa and you know what I see? Uber talented young men whom the devil couldn't take down so marked them with being effeminate,have you noticed how girly guys are always so talented and intelligent?
    Isabelle pretoria

    1. Hmmmmmmn,you sorta got a point you know

  25. Am

  26. Maj I knw d feeling of being bullied jst cos u re not lik d rest of d world.... bt trust metinz happen to us jst to make us strong... wat doesnt kill u makes u stronger rite..... #RED

    1. I agree with you red,maj shouldn't even be complaining sef,if you were ugly,what would you have done?

  27. Kamsy £rmani Kimarni10 August 2014 at 12:06

    Pls Amazeballs. no use of FOUL languages here. dis is an educative forumn not some "gat to deal with blogs " mind ur words u dnt knw who its hurting out dere,

    and as for u Maj my very gud frnd, uve always been lik dat frm childhood so maintain it and nuture it well, make it inviting and unique,never frown at ur attitude bt admire urself, one love Amazeballs.

    1. Ehm! @kimani, what foul word was used in all comments so far ehn? Busy body,just because kuwda is going global doesn't give you thr right to clinch @ maj, shio!

  28. Maj,don't let anyone determine your happiness,you're a cute guy and even cuter inside! Please more posts for our entertainment please

  29. If Ham was to be my younger brother, He will get that slap I also gave Kamal. To start with, I am your friend's elder brother and you are in my houae disturbing my peace... Nkan se e ni? Maj, yoh are even nice by telling them to go to the garden, I will walk you out of the entire house... Of all discussions, it's that of girls that you shagged and mimicking their moans... Girls have suffered... Maj, my dear, I'm like you, soft and emotional, but my dear, when that rubbish comes on, it's a different me and from there that excess play with Hamz will stop... Honestly... Nedu
