Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Intellectual nuisance

The heat wave experienced in the country these past few months have been really traumatizing, the nights are very warm and houses very hot...literally, leaving one waking up soaked in sweat...that is if you could get any sleep at all, while the day is characterized by scorching heat which feels as though hades' breath is being unleashed on humanity and with the fuel scarcity in the country plus epileptic power supply and poor water supply,  it had spurred depression amongst the populace to astronomical heights, people are now easily irritated and sensitive, weary and easily tired. I really feel for Karl as he's now forced to live in tank tops and singlets, gulping chilled water every two minutes, don't even get me started on women who might be going through menopause that I've seen around, what with the hot flashes they have to cope with in these times, whew!

So on a typical saturday morning, the heat gradually simmering our blood as there was no power and we couldn't get fuel to turn on the generator or charge the inverter, Hamz, QT and Karl had to peel the rug off the floor and lay shirtless on bare tiled floor to keep cool, so I thought I should help make us brothers feel better by feeding us all some intellectual meal....(Exactly what we needed isn't it?, lol).

Gazing intently into my laptop, I suddenly gasped in awe, covering my mouth in surprise as I swiftly turned to my brothers, two of whom were humming tunes to a depressing song, I went,

 "Guys, do you all know that the entire water on the planet is constant? Since the time of Adam till now?...",

The three of them turned to look at me but their facial expression unamused, I continued anyway,

 "This means the water you guys just took some moments ago at some point in time, might have passed through the oesophagus of a dinosaur millions of years past",

QT nodded indifferently while Hamz hissed so loudly it could literally be heard miles away, my lips fell apart in horror but I didn't let that dissuade me from trying to impact some knowledge into my lovely brothers, I continued,

 "Look brothers, I know you guys are beyond frustrated with the system but the sad fact is, government can't always be there for us, in fact aren't we all providing our own security, power, water et al already? The heat is disturbing and it's becoming unusually long this year, that, my amazing brothers is because of global warming...greenhouse gases we emit through our gadgets, cars, airplane etc is destroying the ozone layer, massively depleting it, I've suggested to Mom for us to plant trees around the house, we would not only have fresh air but shades to lie under and also contribute to help heal the world!"

My brothers all set their gazes at me and simultaneously hissed, telling me to shut up already...this is more shocking as QT whom I expected to totally be on board with my opinion given that he read a course in school on environment also couldn't be bothered, I saw beads of sweat trailing down his strong, well defined arms and I knew he wasn't himself at that moment. I went quiet for a while, reading some more on the laptop and as Karl's eyelids gradually began to close for a nap, the sound of my voice fluttered them back open as I went,

 "Do you all know some days back, it was world water day and also to mark earth hour, humanity is expected to turn off power for an hour in commemoration of climate change?"

Hamz hissed again, telling me pointedly to shut up, he went,

 "What stupid earth day? We mark earth day for several hours or days sef every day as power supply is cut and we are without light for days on please Maj, just digest your own reading and keep us out of it",

QT feigned snoring to show support to what Hamz had just said, I smiled, poured myself a glass of cold water and gulped in one drink, smiled again and continued,

"Do you guys know that when we look at a medicinal plant, we see the different parts used in various ways. Sometimes the roots are medicinal. Or sometimes the leaves and stems have healing properties. Though when we look at the flower of any given plant, it is clear that it is often the most vibrant, attractive and spectacular part of the plant itself. It is the quintessential expression of that plant. Wouldn’t it then only make sense that this part of the plant offers us the most medicinal slash healing properties of that plant?"

QT protested, begging me to shut my trap or he will punch me in the mouth,

"I'm trying to get some sleep here Maj and you are being a bug",

I smiled, waited a bit for everyone to calm down then continued,

 "To make a flower essence, flower pedals are gently plucked with leaves preferably and placed in a glass or crystal bowl that is filled with the cleanest water possible. With the help of the Sun’s rays, the bioelectrical field of the flower and yes, bioelectrical fields have been shown to exist around every living thing in nature  is imprinted into the crystalline structure of the water molecule"

Hamz hissed as Karl smiled, urging me to read on but QT protested, I smiled, telling QT and Hamz that I was talking to Karl and not them, Hamz groaned with disgust as I continued, totally enjoying myself and what I was doing to my brothers,

"Remember, it is also an established fact that water has memory and can be imprinted through various methods because the essences of flowers operate more on a vibrational slash electrical level rather than a biochemical, like the use of herbs or foods. The effects are felt in a more subtle way. However, subtle doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful or effective. What a person experiences is more of a shift in awareness, a shift in understanding or a shift in consciousness around a certain situation. It can help us understand and transform the underlying emotional issue.",

QT nodded, he said,

"Seems you need a shift in the placement of your jaws"

Which got Hamz laughing, I continued unperturbed,

"For example, if someone is dealing with an issue from some sort of trauma from a situation that occurred at some point in his or her life, flower essences can help bring greater understanding to the trauma event as well as bring the emotional ability to transform, release and forgive or accept what happened.

Flower essences are essentially nutrients for the soul. They help us on an emotional level. We begin to see things in a new light and can begin to deal with things in a new way. This leads to taking different actions in regards to processing and resolving any issues we might be working through...",

I stopped half way through when I saw QT gradually standing up, my sixth sense told me he's planning on attacking me but acting like he's simply going about his own way, I quickly unplugged the charger from my laptop, carried it and immediately fled to my room, Hamz and Karl erupted in a fit of giggles,


QT cursed, flexing his muscles then going back to lying down while I upstairs, sat on my bed bouncing from laughing my head off...literally



  1. Aww, it is actually an intellectual conversation from maj's end, only it was bad timing
    -Lyndsay Fairweather, England

  2. One of the things i love about kuwda is te chance to learn new things everyday, what maj said about water being constant on deep thought just occured to me that he is right, animals and humans take water which we pass away through sweat, urine and faeces, they are absolved back into the earth and atmosphere through evaporation, absorption into the earth and eventually also at death to be recycled by nature and the cycle continues through time, so he was right, the water one takes might have been taken by a dinosaur or maybe evaporated from a sweaty skin into the clouds and fall back as rain..dope maj..dope
    -Anastasia, greece

  3. Spot on words by maj..bad timing to his brothers..karl is the most urbane of the 3 brothers aside maj

  4. brothers
    -Nekky, westindies

  5. The picture you used, maj, is actually a cute picture, doesn't exactly reflect the story in the post..hamz is annoying and rude..teling you to shut up? ah
    -Aisha, abuja

  6. The nigerian kardashians, lol

  7. Una no fit slap hamza? wetin dey do that guy na/ hin too rude oo
    -Ngozi, enugu

  8. long live kuwda

  9. qt tho,lol

  10. maj is intelligent apparently
    -Emma, lagos

  11. guys are wonderful
