Wednesday 13 May 2015

Do a bruce jenner?

INTRO- I sat cross-legged quietly on the rug in my room in front of my laptop one hot afternoon,gazing intently at the computer screen,totally lost in my reverie when Hamz breezily walked into my room whose door was left ajar to let in cool wind,he tapped me softly on the shoulder and as I turned startingnly to face him,he looked me straight in the eye and with a worried facial expression asked me,

"Maj! I would like to know,will you one day like bruce jenner announce to us that you feel trapped in your body,that you feel your sex is wrong and want to be a woman?"

His utterance took me unawares,hitting me straight like poisoned darts,I wasn't expecting it at all. To say I was mortified to death would be stating the obvious,my jaws fell to the ground,a smile trickling in through the sides of my mouth in a state of amusement dashed with utter shock.

When after what seemed like forever and was able to recover myself,I sighed and in no mood to fight or argue,simply told him no,he smiled and excitedly fished out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it over to me,I asked him what it was and he said himself,Karl and QT came together to write a piece on me after seeing the buzz bruce jenner's planned intention to change his sex created all over the internet and asked themselves how they would react if one day in the future,I decide to tow that line,

Letting out a petrified exhale followed by a long pause,I suddenly bursted out laughing,I held my waist and laughed  so hard,shaking my head whilst opening the sheet to read what they wrote while telling him he and our other brothers were jobless guys who had a lot of free time on their hands. So I flicked the sheet open and here goes :-

KARL- Seeing Maj for the first time when I got here from america to join this family,I saw a quiet looking lad but who had the mien of a fighter who ostensibly had struggled and fought personal demons (insecurity) and society much of his life,I see how he retreats into his shell when outside the house,talks less when in a gathering of strangers to keep his insecurity from being noticed but totally letting go and unbothered If for some reasons someone tries to cheat him or someone else,he forgets his amazing flaws and speaks out,not caring whose ox is gored, Maj has a beautiful soul and whoever reads this and knows him on a personal level would agree with me,you would totally fall in love with him on first conversation,he has a highly intellectual way of holding evolved conversations and gets you sucked into loving his personality with his jokes and when he notices you are nowhere near his level of intelligence,calms down and comes down to your level to
humbly pick you up...that is if you want it,he's that understanding,amiable and cerebral.

What's there not to love about my dear brother Maj,he makes our lives a lot easier,very orderly,he would for the umpteenth time arrange neatly our rooms,kitchen and sitting areas,not because he has on OCD about it but because,to him,he sees a scattered room as seemingly screaming,he cooks our food,always volunteering and helping people in need whenever he can while he deals with an overwhelming pain of his insecurities which to me I find silly because am like, "what's not to love about maj? "

So whilst watching the bruce jenner-sawyer interview and QT chipped in,asking how would we would react if someday Maj decides to change his sex,I laughed and called it silly,Maj is way grounded and grown to love himself, besides,have you met Maj's Mom? Lol, She raised tough boys who are stable and can handle anything,they were brought up to appreciate and see the beauty of God's creation however unconventional it seems to the human eye,Maj is fine, a beautifully flawed variety of the human specie, he's totally fine,so haters,leave him the fuck alone or you have me to contend with *flexes muscles*

HAMZ- From my earliest memories of knowing Maj,I saw an elder brother who is always there to protect me,I was and maybe still a stubborn boy who way back as a kid always got into trouble but Maj always had my back and shields me from reprimanding adults,I didn't see anything special in what he did,as far as I was concerned,it was his prerogative to watch over me as my immediate elder brother.

For the most part of his early years,Maj lived his life as a virtual recluse and I didn't understand why,I knew people teased him often,some of it brutal and others mild but I never realised it affected him so much but knowing Maj personally,blood ties apart,I saw a beautiful human being in and out who couldn't at the beginning handle the attention of being referred to as a beautiful boy with the soft voice who should have been born a woman but strive to stay afloat it all,apparently,some of us work so hard for our happiness than others and with that,I could understand how bruce jenner must have felt all his life,so I thought,if Maj and bruce felt this way,what would the gay ones say? It made me more accepting of just about anyone,irrespective of how they were created by God and obviously I couldn't make fun of effeminate or girly looking men,so do I entertain the fear that someday,Maj would want to change his sex? I can categorically tell you Maj won't
as he's found the greatest love of all in himself with absolutely nothing to change.

QATARI- Maj's secondary school testimonial reads "He's a quiet and responsible student of this school" ,whenever Maj goes through his documents and comes across his testimonial,I see his brow squeeze into a furrow of unease and the reason being that,Maj had always been a bubbly,jovial and outgoing kind of guy but he allowed his insecurities and people's opinion cripple his happiness and what he wanted for so long which is to go out there and get active,join his favourite sport games,enlist in school approved clubs and societies but because of his insecurities,jibes and teases got to him easily and I watch him battle for so long with himself to conform to society's idea of "normal" and the even more arduous task of developing a titanium skin,he feels like his testimonial should have read differently,praising his contributions to the development of the school in terms of the glory brought to it in sports and other educational activities hence cringing
whenever he sees his testimonial.

Watching bruce jenner relay how unhappy he had been for so long and now wants to be a woman,my thoughts went straight to Maj,would he one day want that? The thoughts immediately got crushed when I realised how much Maj loves making love to women and wouldn't want to miss that for anything but not before I had voiced out my thoughts to my brothers.

That said,even though I found bruce's resolve quite confusing,it came from my sense of humanity to be understanding and that I have a sibling who almost share the same plight as him and made me sympathetic to people like that.

Maj has all of my love and bruce,all of my support.

I heaved  a heartfelt sigh as I folded back the paper,Hamz pointed at the paper,asking me to make sure it gets on the blog,I batted my eyelids rapidly in dismay as he continued,trying to sound like a celeb who is doing something wonderful for a worthy cause,

"...To get the message across to all amazeballs and followers of the Keeping Up With D Adagiris blog that love is what the world needs and how it is much easier and freer to love than hate,most importantly, to set examples as "public figures" ,not to hate on femininely inclined men or men who seem to look rather pretty"

We both laughed at "public figure",I stood up from the rug and tapping the sheet continuously while pondering over whether or not to put it on my blog,I thought,

"What the hell,on the blog it goes"

As much as it felt quite uncomfortable that my brothers discussed and agreed to write a piece on an insecurity of mine,it also felt good to know they cared so much about me and loved me to pieces,this is because,If you live with them,except for Karl,QT and Hamz don't always show they care that much,so it sort of made my day and as for doing a bruce jenner, well,my darling brothers,you were close to the truth which is,as much as I salute bruce for his courage to live his truest life,I am most comfortable with how I am.

So show love to everyone today irrespective of how they were created...just because!



  1. lol,the adagiri brothers are suddenly getting really weird,lol,penning a tribute which almost looked like an eulogy for your brother showing support for his so-called insecurity?why would anyone call being pretty an insecurity? get over yourself maj

  2. you guys are indeed public figures in your own little way and i love your bravery for standing up for all pretty-looking and effeminate men,you seem very normal to me though,very normal unlike some girly looking men i've seen with makeups on and shaped eye-brows and all,it might seem rather funny on the outside but the piece had depth and you should consider yourself lucky for having such supportive and amazeball brothers who genuinely love you and i totally second your decision never to change your sex,lol,it would disrupt the formation of the adagiri brothers and don't listen to @saidat above,obviously,she's clueless

  3. lol and this is coming in the heels of popular LIB reader onyx godwin releasing a statement on how he dealt with oppression and all growing up,only sadly,he is gay to it,you seem very normal,pretty but normal,so rock on maj

  4. lol,maj,don't change,i love your stregth,the minds of humans are very wicked and that's just life for you,thank God you have supportive and understanding brothers and thankfully straight,i can only imagine what guys like you must have gone through and the jeers you've endured,be strong,soon,being girly would be the new black

  5. i've been reading your blog for so long and from the mental image i have of you from what i've read,i see a guy who is pretty much normal,only a pretty boy,atleast you also dress properly unlike linda ikeji reader onyx godwin who wears shredded jeans and looks anorexic and totally flaunting his girly looks in defiance against society,you've kept your cool,stay sane and women fancy you,be grateful to God,it could have been worse and for the first time in a long while,i actually like hamz for being such a wonderful brother,lol

  6. you borrowed the last line from chaz b's show,lol,thief,lol and maj,stop getting insecure about your person,so you have a soft voice,slim and look pretty? so what? God gives challenges to his toughest soldiers,you are a conqueror and your amazeballs are solidly behind you,you look perfectly ok

  7. the chain that bonds brothers is the greatest bond of all,i love your brothers for always standing up for you and God is a lord of varieties,every creation has species of it,does that mean they (effeminate men) should be at the bottom of the plankton chain? hell no,that said,maj seem very normal to me,cool headed and an amazing brother,if the adagiri brothers were all muscular looking,perfectly shaped brothers,i wouldn't read this blog again,there's always the wuss,the blob amongst siblings,maj might be the blob but God compensated with him having the talent
    -lindsay fairweather,united kingdom

    1. we could even say the talent got sharpened from being wanting to be active and out there but restricted by his insecurity so in order to have a voice,he took his pen

  8. take a back seat maj,you keep screaming insecurity,hit the gym with your brothers,toughen up and take male hormone injections,mbok!

    1. shut the fuck up chinedu,how could you be so insensitive,these are real people with real lives and being gay has nothing to do with being effeminate,kenny badmus is a muscular,sexy man who is gay,so asking someone to hit the gym and take male hormones injections? ah,you are indeed terrible,no wonder,you r igbo

  9. today,i have so much respect for the adagiri brothers,so much love and maj would have totally broken hearts as a transgendered woman,lol

  10. your brothers are really funny maj,lol but they are such absolute darlings,much love,ignore the haters

  11. be you maj,it makes you unique and be grateful for loving relatives
    ruth bern,scotland

  12. this moved me to tears...much love maj and the adagiri brothers

  13. maj,be strong,just be you,you are special and you got one of the most amazing brothers ever,you guys bicker,fight,show affection,holler,etc...proving that it's not weird for men to show emotion,it's so cute and thankfully,they got your back,you rock guys!

  14. "...To get the message across to all amazeballs and followers of the Keeping Up With D Adagiris blog that love is what the world needs and how it is much easier and freer to love than hate,most importantly, to set examples as "public figures" ,not to hate on femininely inclined men or men who seem to look rather pretty"

    this moved me as well as made me smile,i love the set up of your family,3 physiologically perfect brothers and one slightly different brother,all perfect siblings would not work and won't be relatable,even the kardashians have their slob.....rob

  15. this goes to show that the real gay culprits aren't the effeminate and pretty looking men,i mean,most times when they get the chance,they change their sex,so homosexuality isn't the issue,while the real gay men are our homophobic boyfriends,muscular gym-freak brothers (and his friends) ,baby daddies,etc who seem disgusted at the mention of gays but in the closet,bang men and bring home diseases, (hiss), do your thing maj,we love you!

    1. thank you so much @isabel,you nailed the pin on the head, touche!

  16. are you wearing a sleek,glossy foundation maj or that's just all you? you look smouldering :)

  17. the header says it all... 3 brothers,1 mixed half-brother and the drama of their lives..whew! dont toll the way of bruce bikonu

  18. stories that touch the heart..more controversy pweeeaaalsee

  19. karl's bae? you better take several back seats,i am his real bae

  20. lol,really funny,make una dey fight there whilst karl shags his valid bae

  21. lol,this is really hilarious,lol

  22. the maj i know would certainly never do a bruce jenner,but if this was asked 8 years ago,i will say yes he certainly will,people grow up

  23. and anonymous,you know this how?given you are behind the term ''anonymous''

  24. sometimes,hamz can be quite the darling,kisses beau

  25. quite moving maj
    -lewis from london

  26. lol,i get that testimonial reference lol,even i do cringe when i see a refernce that doesn't aptly describe me and am not even effeminate or pretty
